It is difficult to say where the idea, or passion, for crafting personalised gifts and other special occasion products started. Was it when I first saw the Silhouette Cameo at a hobby expo and imagined all the things I could make for my friend’s bridal shower and wedding as well as my own wedding? Or was it when I made birthday party invitations during High school and learnt how to use wax seal stamps by trail and error? Or was the seed of creativity planted when my sister and I attended creativity classes in Primary school during (gulp) the nineties? (Thanks, Mom!)
Maybe it is a bit of all of these experiences and events. What I am sure about is: I am a craft nerd. I realised this when a small business creative maker that I follow on IG tried to use a perspex stamp to make wax stamps and it didn’t work. I knew why it didn’t work, and realised that maybe having a craft empire is not such a crazy idea. I’ve done my 10 000 hours of learning differents crafts.
And so, with the exception of a short time in 2014 between contracts of my very much corporate job, I decided that it is time to start making personalised gifts for more than just my immediate circle of friends and family. And so in 2020, we started with Personalised DIY Christmas Crackers that was more popular than I ever dreamt. (Yes, we. My husband and family can now weed vinyl like pro’s.)
What was clear from that crazy amazing experience was that we needed a website. Here we are now, 2021 has been a year that we leant a lot about product configurations and variances, SEO and payment gateways.
And although our shop is focused on our Christmas products for now, we will keep adding more products to it. I can’t wait to share our wedding goodies, gender reveal, personalised onesies and more with you.